



New London Librarium

Publisher and purveyor of literary fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and translation


Works by Norwich Arts Center Artists

Paintings, Photography, Sculpture, and other works by 26 Connecticut artists

122 pages in full color, with Introduction by Glenn Alan Cheney and personal statements by each artist.

Cover Price: $28

Price Here: $25

All proceeds above cost are donated to Norwich Arts Center.

Shipping and Handling: $5 for any quantity.

Debora Aldo

Glynis J. Blanker

Virginia Chase

Glenn Alan Cheney

Karen Coombs

Rita Dawley

Mark Dixon

Michael Dubenetsky

Carol Dunn

Blaney Harris

Sandra Jeknavorian

Susan Scott Kenney

Melody Knight Leary

Gerlinde Lehner

Mary Ann Lewis

Gabe Lipman

Susan Masse

Lori Neumann

Marianne Nicholas

Susan Parish

Mark Patnode

Yujuan Patnode

Lori Rembetski

Lisa Shasha

Gretchen van der Lyke

Gabrielle Zane

The Artists