New London Librarium





Notions from a Time of Peril

by Glenn Alan Cheney

From January 2020 to August 2021—the thick of the Covid pandemic—Glenn Alan Cheney wrote a column for The Day, of New London, Conn., and its local weeklies, The Times. His ruminations ranged from quirky to humorous to philosophical, all born in a time of political, environmental, social, and epidemological trepidation.

In that context—always present between the lines—Cheney turned his curious eye on such disparate issues as couches, alarm clocks, skunks, lawns, elections, art, ideas, chocolate, hiccups, lies, scams, statues, penmanship, summer school, burial, honey, pawnshops, the pandemic, a Model T, a prescient hermit, litter along the road, and so many other elements of modern American life.

His notions speak up for simplicity,  nature, the human condition, plain people, and the little noticed nooks of life. Each brief essay offers the reader pleasure and perspective.

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